Showing posts with label ezekiel dachomo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ezekiel dachomo. Show all posts

Jan 7, 2021

Christians Return Looted Items in Jos


#Endsars Looting.

Ezekiel Dachomo is a famous man of God across the northern region of Nigeria, where he is reputed to be fearless and fascinating preacher, a “reincarnation” of Late Evangelist Paul Gindiri.

When #ENSARS protest spun out of control towards the end of 2020, embittered rioters turned their attention to public warehouses across the country. In Jos, Plateau State, it wasn’t different. People flocked out in thousands to the different warehouses across the state, carting away grains, fertilizers/agricultural inputs like water pumps, generators and knapsacks. There were also relief materials that included building materials like cement, roofing sheets, nails, woods. The looters, not satisfied, moved on to dismantling office buildings, pulling off doors, windows, roofing sheets, office equipment like computers and stereo sets.

Such a moment provided an opportunity for the real Christians to be separated from the dredges. The real Christians stayed at home, while the modern-day Pharisees joined hoodlums so that the two sides found a common ground. As the saying goes, birds of the same feathers flock together.

A few weeks later, Ezekiel Dachomo held a crusade at Zang Secondary Commercial School playground. The football and basketball pitches of the famous school overflowed with crusaders that had come to listen to the evangelist. The man of God preached fiercely against the ambiguity between the Christians and the heathen, which played out during the looting. He noted that anyone that claims to be a Christian shouldn’t have been seen at any of those warehouses, making it clear that it was stealing, which isn’t expected of a Christian.

In the end, thousands who had taken part in the lootings asked to be forgiven. Many returned what they had taken out of the warehouses. Others, who had used the items promised to buy and return them.

From Farmers-Herders to Miners-Herders

Source: Seaarts Towards the end of the third quarter of 2009, there was a problem in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State. The admini...