Nov 21, 2011

The Ethnic Groups of Plateau State

Map of Nigeria showing Plateau State (in red)
Plateau State is a microcosm of Nigeria, meaning that all ethnic groups in Nigeria are found residing and working in the state. However, the indigenous tribes in Plateau’s seventeen local government areas (in bold type) include:

Barkin Ladi: Berom, Ganang, Ron, kulere.

Bassa: Irigwe, Rukuba, Amo, Buji, Chawai.

Bokkos: Ron, Kulere, Mushere.

Jos East, Afizere.

Jos North: Berom, Anaguta, Afizere.

Jos South: Berom.

Kanam: Bogghom, Jar, Ngas, Taroh.

Kanke: Ngas.

Lantang North: Taroh.

Langtang South: Taroh.

Mangu: Mwaghavul, Pyem, Rumada, Afizere, Berom, Mupun.

Mikang: Tehli, Youm, Koenem, Piapung.

Pankshin: Ngas, Mupun, Chip, Kadung.

Qua’an-pan: Doemak, Kwagalak, Mernyang, Goemai, Jagatnoeng.

Riyom: Berom, Ateng.

Shendam: Goemai.

Wase: Boghom, Jukun, Basharawa, Taroh, Burum, Fulani.


  1. Why Taroh were not included in Mikang LGC that form 40% of Mikang population.

  2. Taroks only form one percent of mikang local government as settler and for some one to say Tarok form 40% of mikang is not just mischievous but a violence romoter. Ethnics groups of mikang local government are; Tehl (Montol), Youm(Garkawa), Piapung and Koenoem. His royal highness Long-Tehl Barr, Donald Dajen Puntehl is the president mikang traditional council. Tehl people are the major tribe of mikang local government. Tehl occupied the town of Lalin and Tunkus the council headquarters of mikang local government, they are also occupied northern part of shendam local government.


The Yeshua Kingdom Foundation International

The Yeshua Kingdom Foundation International, Jos The Yeshua Kingdom Foundation International is an open-air centre of religious gatherings. ...