Mar 18, 2018


Plateau State, since 2001, has seen recurrent cases of violent conflicts. Within this period, over 7000 lives are estimated to have been lost.

The recurrence of the conflict has, as a result, added conflict resolution into the list of campaign issues. The current administration in Plateau State, led by Barr. Simon Bako Lalong, has, in its bid to ensure an enduring peace, come up with a blueprint to lasting peace. It is known as the Plateau State Road Map to Peace. It was unveiled by President Muhammadu Buhari during his visit to Plateau State on March 8th

The Plateau State Road Map to Peace is a public document and has to be understood by the public in order to buy into it and give it the desired support. It is as a result of this that the News Tower Magazine found the document and uploaded it so the public can download and read to understand what it entails. Download

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