Oct 13, 2010

Garri Proverbs in Nigerian Parlance

The word ‘garri’ has found its way into a few Nigerian proverbs such as:-

1. Throw “sand -sand into one’s garri.” This means to throw sand into one’s garri. When one throws sand into your garri, it means that he has spoilt that meal or denied you the chance of eating it. Thus throwing sand into one’s garri means ending one’s means of livelihood.

2. “Water don pass garri.” This means that the water is in excess of the garri. A meal of garri is made by adding the right quantity of garri into the right amount of boiled water. At times there could be a miscalculation leading to a little quantity of garri added into a disproportionately large amount of water. The outcome is a mess that isn’t pleasant to eat. It is a problem. This is a problem. Thus water don pass garri means that there is a problem.

Examples of usage of garri proverbs

1. “That oga wan throw sand sand for my garri.” This means that that boss wants to end my means of livelihood.

2. “When rubber challenge iron, you know say water don pass garri.” When rubber challenge iron you know that there is a problem.

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