
Nov 30, 2024

What is “follow come” in Nigerian Parlance?

Every nation has its cultural uniqueness and Nigeria isn’t an exception. In Nigeria’s parlance, there is this expression, “follow come” that leaves many wondering what it means. “Follow come” simply means the better quality.

So, how did we get to this?  The question is best answered with an example.

If I buy a mobile phone, it comes with accessories like the power cable, for instance.  It is often the best quality for that phone.

Now, if the power cable gets damaged or gets lost, you have to go to the market to buy another. At the market, there are all manner of options, most of which are substandard. So, to avoid running into a substandard product, you tell the shop owner that you prefer the type that followed the phone and came with it. That is how the phrase came into the Nigerian parlance.

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